Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nail Tips.

Hello Hello!

So I found this "Tips for Nail Care" on and I thought it was really helpful and I actually used and tried some of their tips and it helped. Hopefully it'll help you guys too!

"Tips For Nail Care":
1. To make your nails grow shiner and strong, soak them in almond oil for 5-7 minutes, then duo the nail brush into white vinegar. Rub them with it and this will increase the strength of your nails. (If this doesn't make sense I don't know either. I just copied what was written).

2. Sometimes excessive use of nail paint on nails and food deficiency makes your nail plate yellowish in color. In order to overcome this problem, dip your nails in warm water with some drops of lemon juice and make a mixture and soak your nails in it and rub it with white vinegar.

3. In order to avoid the breakage of a nail, apply a mixture of camouflage powder and lemon juice with a cotton ball on your nails.

4. If you feel pain around your nails then dip your nails in warm water containing peppermint in it. You will get relief from pain when you soak them in it for some minutes.

5. To make your nails look shinier, take two tablespoons of toothpaste and one tablespoon of lemon. Mix them together and make a paste. Now apply this paste on your nails and rub for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes wash them. You will notice a great change in the shine of your nails.

6. If you apply nail polish on your nails every day, try to take a break for two days in a week. Human nails need oxygen so this break will be good for your nail's health.

7. Dry nails get easily cracked. Use castor oil and lemon juice mixture to remove their dryness. This mixture helps keeps the moisture.

"Protection of Cuticle" 
Cuticle is the protective layer around human nails which protect the nails from different germs and dust. Some people remove them as they think this is dead skin. Use castor oil for maintaining the moisture of cuticle after every bath.

Hope this helps!

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